Raw Vegan Basil Cashew Cream Cheese with Figs, Walnuts and Toast

Raw Vegan Basil Cashew Cream Cheese with Figs, Walnuts and Toast

Do you like fancy food? I do!

I believe that the food we make deserves all the attention, love, care, and healthy quality ingredients. It’s the food we use to nourish our bodies, and why not transform the meals into a luxurious experience once in a while? We all deserve that.

Raw Vegan Basil Cashew Cream Cheese with Figs, Walnuts and Toast

If the fancy food that we create takes only minutes to prepare, it’s even better. It’s something you can’t say ‘no’ to. And what if it’s a healthy meal as well? Now, you should jump all over the chance to make it. :)

Creating this luxurious looking appetizer takes only minutes, my friends. The most extended process in creating this savoury raw vegan cashew cream cheese is the overnight refrigeration part. No cooking involved, just soaking and blending the ingredients. It takes five ingredients to make this amazing spread. Five ingredients and five minutes to create a dream appetizer. Are you planning a party yet? :)

Raw Vegan Basil Cashew Cream Cheese with Figs, Walnuts and Toast

I realize that the cashew cream cheese might not be a novelty for some of you since there are so many ways of making it. My way it’s simple, quick, and I haven’t included any processed ingredients or thickening agents. Creating a vegan cheese is taking the steps a bit further, but not this time.

Food needs flavour, and if you’re familiar with my recipes, you’ve noticed that I like to use fresh organic herbs to enhance my food and amplify certain flavours. This recipe is no exception. So, I’ve decided to add fresh basil leaves and take the taste of this cream cheese to the next level. And the next level it is. The slightly sweet and fragrant basil makes this spread truly irresistible. You’ll be able to taste the slight peppery notes, and sweetness of the basil on your first taste test. However, the overnight resting process of the cream cheese makes the entire difference, giving it time to infuse the spread, delivering the flavour that you’re looking for.

Raw Vegan Basil Cashew Cream Cheese with Figs, Walnuts and Toast

The culinary experience doesn’t end here but continues with the serving preparation. You always have to look for ingredients that pair well together in serving, so every bite of food can be balanced and delicious. Look for adding texture to your food. The food’s texture is so captivating and pleasing, and it’s an element that we shouldn’t skip when preparing meals. It’s about the aroma and the taste of your food. Care and love in preparing your food will always make the difference, my friends.

So, here are my suggestions for you for serving this amazing spread at breakfast or appetizer at a party. Toast, figs, and walnuts! The texture department is well addressed, adding a double crunch to your bite – toasted bread and walnuts.

Raw Vegan Basil Cashew Cream Cheese with Figs, Walnuts and Toast

Just imagine yourselves biting into this lovely spread – rich, beautiful black rye bread (or your favourite type), creamy basil cashew cheese, sweet soft and juicy figs, topped with the nutty goodness of the walnuts. Now that is luxury in a bite! If you plan guests over, don’t expect to have leftovers, ok? :)

Can you tell I’m excited about bringing this recipe to you? I’ll be happy if you give it a try and tell me how you’ve enjoyed it. I’ll repeat it. Five ingredients and five minutes.

Stay in touch, my friends, and if you have any questions, let me know in the comments below. I love to stay connected with you.
